

Belinda Coyne

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Belinda Coyne is a Brighton based designer whose enamelling and metalwork reflect her layers of experience and accumulated memories of specific landscapes.

Belinda graduated in Wood, Metal, Ceramics and Plastics from Brighton Polytechnic in 1986 before embarking on a career in teaching, building a successful College Art and Design department.

She is now focusing on her own work exploring and experimenting with a range of materials and processes.


Photo Credit: Yeshen Venema

'Lost Paths' is built from 49 vitreous enamelled steel panels laid out in a grid framework alluding to those on an OS map.

The Ramblers’ Association has identified a potential 49,000 miles of unrecorded historical rights of way in England and Wales that are not on the definitive Ordnance Survey map. These missing paths, many of which go back centuries, need to be claimed so they are not lost to future generations.

Each panel represents a specific path visited and researched by Coyne. Kiln-fired, the enamel is abraded back and refired many times, revealing lost marks, grid references, and cartographer’s symbols embedded within the pieces defining spaces and making narratives among the more empirical information.

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